I also then had to move back home which was a bigger trauma than i expected. I used to work at woolies during the holidays- but after 6 years of working there(only ever had one job since i was old enough to work) it's now shut down so i had nowhere to fall back on and earn some cash til i figured out what the hell i wanted to do.
So i had to sign on. Oh god. I could have made an entire new book all about the horrors of the jobcentre and it's occupants ( i would have done if the idea of the building didnt make me feel nauseous). But after a fortnight of filling in forms and handing out cv's in the hope of getting a parttime shop job- i got a job at asda.
I know, i know. It's not the dream career but after weeks of fretting it dawned on me it doesnt really have to be right now. I'm earning ome decent cash, flexible hours and i look like shrek in the green uniform. It also gives me time to work on some different things. Sort out what i want to do( havent really figured out this part yet...) And the inner workings of a supermarket would be a great basis for a new project. A book. My love of normal people and the shite things they do and say could never have been more on hand than working 6 hours a day on the checkouts at asda in my hometown of dewsbury,west yorkshire.
I have come home from preston to dewsbury and things are never as bad as they seem.
So i began to research art and design oppotunites in my local area(kirklees). Which ofcourse i had no real idea all about. Never. I didnt even realise anything went on. But i was surprised. So much goes on. In neighbouring town batley-there is a gallery. I worked in batley towncentre for 2 years and i never knew it existed. Found out there was an open exhibition coming up for anyone to enter. So i did. I did four black and white boards similiar to my end of year exhibit- displaying the people of the town. Trying to keep the focus on the town and it's community. As they say 'there's nowt so queer as folk'. I was allowed to enter 4 pieces for consideration( as it wasn't guranteed they would be accepted) and 2 have been picked. And the preview night is tonight and i get to go and see what else is going on. Get to meet some people hopefully who may have some feedback and advice. You never know, i may even get to sell the damn things. You never know. So that brings me up to date. Progress. Slow but progress nethertheless.
I also promised myself I would use this blog as a gallery rather than a way for my head to splurge out it's gelatinous contents. But there we go. Photos coming up...
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